5 Unexpected Things You Should Do to Prepare for Winter

With winter comes shorter days, lower temperatures, snow, snow storms, ice, blizzards, and the end of outdoor activities until the warmer weather returns. Then get prepared for the snow, snow plows, snow clearing, snow shoveling, snow removal, de-icing, and all the above to take place in the Fraser Valley. To make the most of winter, here are a few things you can do to prepare for snow. Some may be obvious, while others may be less so, but all will help you get through winter and snow storms without too much fuss. Here are the a few Steps to an Easy Winter.

Prepare your home
Before the snow starts to fall, it’s time to start preparing your home for the winter weather. Here are a few tips on how to get your home ready for the snow:
1. Inspect your roof and gutters. Make sure that your gutters are clear of leaves and other debris so that they can drain properly. Also, check for any cracks or damage to your roof that could cause leaks. Snow and ice can severely damage these if not taken care of.
2. Check your windows and doors. Make sure that all of your windows and doors are properly sealed to keep out the cold air, snow and ice. You may want to consider installing storm doors and windows if you don’t already have them.
3. Prepare your heating system. Get your furnace serviced so that it’s ready to go when the cold weather, snow, and ice hits.
Prepare your car
Come November 1st you should begin to get your car ready for snow and ice. Here are a few tips to help you get your car winter-ready:
1. First, make sure your tires are properly inflated. Cold weather and snow can cause tire pressure to drop, so it’s important to check your tires’ pressure regularly throughout the winter season.
2. Another way to prepare your car for winter snow and ice is by having the right type of oil in it. Think about switching to a thicker, winter-weight oil to help protect your engine in cold weather.
3. Finally, don’t forget about your windshield wipers! Make sure they’re in good condition and ready to clear away any snow or ice that may build up on your windshield while driving.
4. Always have a ice scraper and snow brush at all times!
Dress Accordingly
Although when temperatures begin dropping, many people are still walking around in short sleeves. When the weather is below freezing, it is important to dress appropriately in order to avoid hypothermia. Wearing layers of clothing will help to trap heat and keep your body temperature regulated. It is also important to protect your extremities, like your hands and feet, by wearing gloves and socks. And finally, don’t forget a hat! A lot of heat escapes through your head, so wearing a hat will help you stay warm.
When the temperatures start to drop, make sure you are prepared by dressing for the weather. By following these simple tips, you can avoid hypothermia and stay comfortable all winter long.
Watch the Forecast
As the snowfall begins and the cold sets in, it is important to stay informed about the conditions outside. Winter weather can be unpredictable, so it is crucial to know what is happening in your area.
There are a few things you can do to stay informed during a snowfall. First, check the forecast regularly. This will give you an idea of how long the snow is expected to last and how much accumulation there might be. Second, keep an eye on the news for updates on conditions in your area. Finally, if you have access to a weather radio, make sure it is turned on so you can receive any emergency updates that may be broadcast.
Be Careful of Snow and Ice
When the temperature outside starts to drop and snowflakes begin to fall from the sky, it’s time to take extra caution while driving. Snow can make roads slick and difficult to navigate, especially if you’re not used to driving in winter conditions.
Freezing temperatures can also cause ice to form on the roads, making them even more dangerous. If you must travel during a snowfall, be sure to take your time and drive carefully. It’s also a good idea to keep an emergency kit in your car in case you get stranded.
With a little extra caution, you can make it through a snowfall safely. Just be prepared for anything and take your time on the roads.
In conclusion, there are a few key things you can do to prepare for winter weather. First, take care of your home by making sure it is insulated and that you have a good heating system. Second, get your car ready by making sure it is in good working order and that you have the proper tires for the snow and ice. Third, dress appropriately for the cold weather by layering your clothing. Fourth, pay attention to the weather forecast so you know when bad weather is coming.